Road Closure

DATE: Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Franklin-Trenton Road Closed Indefinitely.
Lebanon, Ohio – Franklin Township and City of Franklin, Warren County, Ohio – Franklin-Trenton Road Bridge #270-1.85, between Waterbury Drive and Sonny Lewis Way/Water Source Drive, is closed until further notice. The closure is located just east of address 7250 Franklin-Trenton Road. The closure is due to unexpected rapid deterioration and failure of the bridge wingwall that compromised the east bridge abutment. Our office is currently working on a plan to replace the bridge.
The detour for the closure will utilize Franklin-Madison Road, Chamberlain Road and SR123/Central Avenue.
Your cooperation during the planning and construction of this project will be greatly appreciated.
For more information, visit or contact WCEO at (513) 695-3301.