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Mystery Reader in 3rd Grade Class

Posted on: March 1, 2024
Mystery Readers in 3rd Grade

It is important for teachers to build relationships with families, not just our students. For me, one way to do that is to bring parents into the classroom as volunteers. There are a few of us on the third grade team who invite parent/family members to sign up to be our Mystery Reader each week. Once I have given the parents an opportunity to sign up for various Friday times, I open it up to all teachers and staff. This year we have had 5 parent readers, with more to come after Spring Break, and 6 staff members (including classroom teachers, a speech pathologist, both elementary principals and, of course, Dr. Vail. My students are given clues all week leading up to our Friday readers. They love trying to guess who will be visiting. Having adults in the room reading has really brought out a love of reading in my students and has also shown my students that the adults in their lives (home and school) are on their team and work together to build their success. This is a program that I hold dear to my heart and hope to continue for years to come.