Blog Entries - April 2018

CMS Spotlight: Alaina Eldridge
Thursday, April 26, 2018 was National Bring Your Child To Work Day. This day offers an amazing hands-on opportunity for students to see first hand what a day in the work force is like. CMS asked 6th grade student Alaina Eldridge to write a one
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2018 AirCamp Scholarship
Chamberlain Middle School has been granted the amazing opportunity to send a student to AirCamp at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Thank you to the financial scholarship provided by the Callahan Family of Carlisle, Chamberlain Middle School will see our
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CHS Entrance Change
Beginning Tuesday, April 3rd, the ONLY entrance to Carlisle High School DURING SCHOOL HOURS will be through the single door that enters the school office, which is located directly to the right (south) of the double front doors. You will still need to buzz
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