Blog Entries - 2018

2018 Snowball Dance
The Snowball Dance will be held this year on Saturday, December 8th from 6-8pm.
Please click the link below for more information:
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8th Grade MVCTC Field Trip
The 8th graders will be traveling to the Miami Valley Career and Technology Center. We will be using the Career Exploratory Lab, touring the buildings and eating lunch. Please carefully read all of the information provided. If you DO NOT
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Be Kind Fundraiser
After much request, CMS Student Council has re-launched the sale of the "Be Kind" shirt. Proceeds from the shirt sale will be used by Student Council to promote various activities. This sale will only be open until the end of September.
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CMS Volleyball
After much request, CMS Student Council has re-launched the sale of the "Be Kind" shirt. Proceeds from the shirt sale will be used by Student Council to promote various activities. This sale will only be open until the end of September.
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PTO Chocolate Fundraiser
After much request, CMS Student Council has re-launched the sale of the "Be Kind" shirt. Proceeds from the shirt sale will be used by Student Council to promote various activities. This sale will only be open until the end of September.
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Samantha Hatton 2018 Air Camp Recipient
This summer Samantha Hatton had the honor of attending Air Camp with 44 other students from around the nation. During her week at Air Camp, Samantha explored aviation, worked on problem solving activities, met medics from the Air Force, toured different
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August Important Info/Dates for CMS
CMS office hours starting August 1st will be 8-3pm. (11-12pm Lunch) Open House for 7th and 8th graders will be August 21st from 5-6pm. 6th grade orientation will be August 21st at 6pm in MS auditorium. New student enrollment will begin August
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5th grade students spent the afternoon at CMS on Friday May 4th. Students had the opportunity to tour the school, meet the teachers and get a glimpse of a day in the life of a 6th grader.
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CMS Spotlight: Alaina Eldridge
Thursday, April 26, 2018 was National Bring Your Child To Work Day. This day offers an amazing hands-on opportunity for students to see first hand what a day in the work force is like. CMS asked 6th grade student Alaina Eldridge to write a one
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2018 AirCamp Scholarship
Chamberlain Middle School has been granted the amazing opportunity to send a student to AirCamp at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Thank you to the financial scholarship provided by the Callahan Family of Carlisle, Chamberlain Middle School will see our
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Spring Break- March 26th to April 2nd- Students return back to school April 3rd, 2018
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MVCTC Career Camp
MVCTC Career Camp June 4-8, 2018
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
For students who will be entering 8th, 9th and 10th grades
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PTO Chocolate Fundraiser Starts Soon!
MVCTC Career Camp June 4-8, 2018
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
For students who will be entering 8th, 9th and 10th grades
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Brice Naylor Wins SWBL 160Lbs. Class
MVCTC Career Camp June 4-8, 2018
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
For students who will be entering 8th, 9th and 10th grades
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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Student Fundraising
MVCTC Career Camp June 4-8, 2018
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
For students who will be entering 8th, 9th and 10th grades
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Speech Contest
Any students in grades 3-12 interested in participating in the Carlisle For Youth annual speech contest should pick up applications and rules in the office. The date for the competition is Sunday, March 4th at Grigsby Intermediate. The top 3 speakers in
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CMS Wins Golden Ore
CMS Wrestlers won the first annual "Golden Ore Trophy" Wednesday night with a win over Franklin JH. This was the first home dual match CMS has had in many years. The event was a huge success and the electric was in the
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Construction Begins; Groundbreaking Ceremony a Success
... AND SO IT BEGINS. Carlisle Local Schools and the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission held a Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new PK-12 school building. Held October 23 at 12:30 p.m., behind the current High School. Carlisle students, staff, Board of
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CHS Entrance Change
Beginning Tuesday, April 3rd, the ONLY entrance to Carlisle High School DURING SCHOOL HOURS will be through the single door that enters the school office, which is located directly to the right (south) of the double front doors. You will still need to buzz
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Date: Thursday, April 26, 2018
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Carlisle High School Commons
PUBLIC INVITED...Update on the process and progress on our new school buildings and Q/A.
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2018-2019 School Calendar
To view/print the district calendar for school year 2018-2019, click on the "read more" then click the calendar image.
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Carlisle Local Schools CLOSED for Friday, Jan. 12th.
Carlisle Local Schools CLOSED, Wednesday, March 21.
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All Carlisle Schools Closed for Monday, January 8th due to weather conditions.
All Carlisle Local Schools are CLOSED for Monday, January 8th due to weather conditions.
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