Principal's Message

Dan Turner
Principal, Grades 7 & 8
250 Jamaica Rd.
Carlisle, OH 45005
The 7th Grade Orientation will be held on Monday, August 14th from 5-6 pm in the auditorium. This program is intended for students and parents who are new to junior high school. General information about life/ expectations in middle school will be discussed and an opportunity for questions will be offered. You will also have the opportunity to tour the building and talk to your 7th grade teachers at 5:30 pm.
There are a couple of building issues that I’d like to address with students and parents prior to the start of school. Bookbags will be allowed to school, but must be stored in students lockers prior to 1st period. Students will carry Chromebooks throughout the day. Students have a science and math workbook that is school issued. One of our goals is to teach students to manage their time. We have no need to carry all belongings to each class. Another item of interest deals with the junior high’s policy in regards to cellular phones. We allow students to have them, but kept in the lockers during the school day. With the problems we have had with pictures, social media, text messaging, etc., we have decided to eliminate the problem as much as we can. We have support or phones in case there is a reason to call home. At 2:00 pm students can retrieve their cell phones.
We will be in our 3rd year of our Math/ ELA program called Exact Path. Exact Path is a web based program that is aligned with the Ohio State Standards that identifies “gaps” in your student’s math and language arts abilities. This program will be used in Primetime everyday. Students will be placed based on their need during this half hour every day. CJHS staff will be available to answer any questions your student may have to help them be more successful.
I am extremely proud to be the principal of Chamberlain Junior High School. Our staff is ready to provide the students with a safe and caring learning environment that will allow all students to be successful and have a positive learning experience. I encourage you to stay involved with your child’s education and keep lines of communication with the school open. I welcome your input concerning your child’s education.