February 13, 2025

NO School Friday Feb. 14 (Teacher PD day) and Monday Feb. 17. (President's Day).  School will resume Tuesday, Feb. 18th.

9th - 11th grade students:  Your scheduling sheets are due to your English teacher by Tuesday, Feb. 18th.

Tryouts for HS Softball begin Monday 2/17 from 9-noon in the HS gym.  See Coach Ridinger if you have questions.

Tryouts for JH softball will be Monday 2/17 and Wednesday 2/19 from 7 to 9pm in the HS gym.

The second blood drive of the school year is Thursday, Feb. 20th.  See Mrs. Easton to sign up.  You must be 16 or older. There are only a few spots left.

Any student who will be driving to school this year (including MVCTC/WCCTC) must first purchase a parking pass from the office.  Please contact the office if you have questions at 937-746-4481.

A reminder to all students:  You will want to check your school email daily for announcements from your principal, teachers and other staff regarding upcoming events.