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Ohio’s Parent Mentor Project works with the families of students with disabilities and
their schools to support educational success for students with special needs.

The Parent Mentor works to support the relationship between the school and the family of a child with a disability. By working closely with parents and teachers, the Parent Mentor is an important part of the student's educational team. Families can also receive information and support about special education issues from the Parent Mentor.

The Parent Mentor provides one-to-one support to parents, either by telephone, video conferencing, or in-person. Services provided include:

  • Attending IEP or other school meetings with parents.

  • Parent training, including training about legal rights.

  • Liaison services between parents and school district personnel.

  • Networking parents to other parents familiar with specific disabilities. 

The Ohio Department of Education-Division of Special Education funds the Parent Mentor project. Warren County Parent Mentor contact: 

Caitlin Smith


P. 513-695-2900 ext 2121